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Tag Archives: Prayer

Seeing From God’s Perspective


It’s easy to become completely wrapped up in my own small sphere of family, work, and responsibilities. There are times this is necessary and not a bad thing. That is where I’ve been and perhaps because of this hyper-focus the following felt like a wake-up call.

The Story is Bigger Than Yourself.
“Your prayers play a critical role in the harvest of souls. Destiny is not about you, but rather a purpose God has positioned you for that is bigger than yourself. You are entering into and inheriting a six thousand year labor of prophets, martyrs, reformers, and missionaries who came before you.” Lance Wallnau

I’ve always believed I’m here in this place at this time for a purpose. I look around me and can see all kinds of reasons why God has me here now. But I’ve never thought in terms of ‘Destiny’ or a purpose bigger than anything I can imagine. (And I’m pretty good at imagining!)

I can trace my Christian heritage back four generations. But, have I considered the thousands of years that went before that? I should be looking back as well as forward. Going bigger and wider and trying to see from God’s perspective where the past, present, and future all exist at the same time. It’s mind-boggling and makes me feel small. Which is just the opposite of how I should feel.

So how do I reach for a Destiny I can’t see and an inheritance larger than my understanding? I go back to the first sentence in the quote. “Your prayers play a critical role in the harvest of souls.” I remain faithful in prayer and the seeking of His will.

Most days I’m focused on the next hour and the next necessary step. But there will be those precious days when I will remember to look up, and I will marvel that I am invited to be a part of God’s epic story.




Bad Prayer Days

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We’ve all had them. Days when the roof over our head feels like a concrete slab that nothing will penetrate. We feel as though our prayers are a gray cloud floating above our head, never reaching God’s ear. Isn’t the evidence all around us? God hasn’t heard. Nothing has changed. We are dealing with the same trials today that we dealt with yesterday.

Life is messy.

Messy relationships. Messy houses. Messy office politics. Messy desks. Messy creative spaces where the muse refuses to come out and play for fear of being tainted by our messy life.

Life is hard.

Photo source: Wikipedia

Jobs lost.
Homes consumed by fire or flood.
People we love hurting… ill… taken from this earth to early….

We’re tired. Worn out. Unheard.

Our lament is like that of Jeremiah, the weeping prophet. Even when I call out or cry for help, he shuts out my prayer. Lamentations 3:8

It’s so hard to remember that these feelings have nothing to do with reality. No matter how thick the ceiling or heavy the cloud above us, God hears. God is at work.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9

We can’t comprehend God’s logic or timing. He is God. And we are not.

This one week. Two dads. Two diagnoses. Too many questions. Too many uncertainties. For me. But not for my God.

Yet this I call to mind
and therefore I have hope:
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, ‘The Lord is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him.’

The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him,
to the one who seeks him;
it is good to wait quietly
for the salvation of the Lord.
Lamentations 3:21-26 


Praying. Even when praying is hard.
Because I can’t find the words.
Because the words I have are painful and colored with fear and anger.
Towards Him – my omnipotent, unchanging God.
Who is big enough to take my anger and offer me life-giving love in return.
My Abba Father – who sees my bad prayer days and instead of a temporary fix,
offers me his Son and all eternity.

Praying in Color

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I read Sybil MacBeth’s book, Praying in Color – Drawing a New Path to God  at the end of 2010. Because my quiet time is very early in the morning, I found myself drifting into an early morning nap instead of praying. I needed a change to make my prayer time fresh and vital. Sybil’s book appealed to my creative nature.

New Year's Prayer

A black and white composition notebook is my prayer journal. I use a black gel pen and colored pencils. I like their soft colors and I already had them in the house (by the gazillion). I also use the opposite page to record bible verses, thoughts and revelations that come during prayer time.

You don’t need artistic talent to enjoy this prayer form. The idea is to be fully engaged in praying. I consider my finished product not only a visual record of my prayer, but an offering to God. Once again, I’m a small child giving my loving parent a picture, sharing with Him my thoughts as I scribble and color.

Has your prayer time ever felt stale? What have you done to change that? I’d love to hear from you.

Praying for Family